The MIND and Conception

According to Ayurveda to get a healthy child or to conceive normally Suddha artava (Pure and proper menstrual periods and ovulation) and suddha sukra (Pure and potent semen) with a healthy uterus and pleasant MIND of both parents are necessary.

Ayurveda considers that the mind of both parents has to be filled with Sattva (purity and clarity) in order to bring a healthy baby into this world. Not only having a healthy body is essential, but having a healthy mind is equally important for the parent's hearts to be ready to receive the soul that will be coming into this world. 

"Atma jyoti swarupam satwaha" the light of the soul manifests itself as satwa… The natural state of our minds and heart are sattvic. Pure in energy. But life and the outside world colors this clear mirror of satva into different shades that makes us unable to see that clear mirror as it truly is.  

The practices of Yoga and Ayurveda helps us clear up these different colors and shades so that the mirror of sattva can shine its purest and brightest light. 

One of the best ways to start cultivating sattvic energy in our minds is through the senses. What we observe, what we feel, taste, hear, and smell are so crucial in the way we appreciate life and cultivate different types of energies. 

Observing the beauty in life, the moon and the stars will naturally bring us back into our hearts, the smelling of fresh and natural fragrances. To stop and smell the roses or the jasmine flowers will make the mind feels at peace, feel safe. Hearing the sound of the birds singing in the early morning, tasting fresh vegetables that nourish our bodies with prana, feeling a hug from someone that loves us. We always have the possibility to choose how do we want our senses to be nourished and how do we want our mind to be sustained. 

Life will always give us the chance to choose the seeds that we want to water daily. 

It is important to notice that weeds grow very very fast. But a flower takes more time and care. May we all choose to water those seeds that bring us closer to the Truth, to pure love, to sattva.

Daniela Prema Ekman