Dar a Luz - The Birth of Light
We can all agree that birth is transformative.
It will take us out of our comfort zone. It asks us to surrender the thinking mind. To go beyond.
To expand in ways never experienced before. To open our hearts.
To face our fears. To go through the portal of life and death. And to access the deepest knowing that is within us.
It is sacred, powerful, instinctual. It is a rite of passage and we will never be the same.
Within the ancient realms of the Spanish language, to give birth is translated as ‘to give light’ or, ‘dar a luz.’ I love that definition.
Dar a Luz. We are birthing the most powerful, pure, ecstatic, light of all. When our baby crowns from the Yoni opening. All of our channels are wide open. We feel as if we are going to break. There is a rush of light flowing from the cosmos, to our crown, spine, all the way out through our ancient portal. This can be one of the most transformative spiritual experiences that a woman can go through in her life. And yet, we are giving away this experience because of fear. Because of the ‘what if.’ Because we believe that we need to be safe some how.
We give away our dreams of how we would like to birth our babies because of the agenda of others. We might even begin to doubt our own intuition because of others' opinions of how the birth of our baby should be rather than trusting our inner knowing.
This is a very important calling to acknowledge our fears and work on them. Pregnancy asks that. Pregnancy asks women to connect to their bodies, intuitions, instincts. It asks us to remember our inner knowing. It is then when birth returns back to women, it returns back to the family.
I believe so deeply in returning birth to the family… It is there where that pure ecstatic light that the mother is birthing is received in its most wholesome, gentle, and sacred way.
I had a pregnant mother sharing with me that she would like to free birth or birth outside the system but if something happens to her baby her husband will never forgive her…. And my question was, and what if something happened to the baby in the hospital? Then, will he forgive you?
As a mother, we love our babies more than anyone else can, it’s even programmed neurologically as our brain rewires from an ‘I’, to a ‘we’ after birth. Can we trust that love? That knowing? Can we trust the process of birth and our babies? Can we trust the mystical intelligence of our body's physiology? Can we trust death?
When we trust, then we can have an undisturbed transformation. Not looking to be safe, but to be witnessed in love. That is the true service of a caregiver. To not have an agenda…or direct a women’s birth. But rather to be the witness of her transformation as it unfolds.
I feel a big change and shift in our consciousness. Our questions are becoming deeper and we are requiring more from our caregivers. Something different, something more profound. A soul level connection.
“Hospital birth and clinical caregiving is significant in our culture. I feel that most people who work in the realms of clinical birth are compassionate and caring and that many of the protocols imposed on birthing women have been for the comfort and safety of the mother/baby/family.
But, birth is not a clinical event. What's missing for me is the awareness that birth is a physiologic event that is inherently safe and can be fulfilling. And that normal healthy women do not require clinical/medical care. And that people who attend birth are not there to manage but to silently witness and bring to the experience what they are asked to contribute.
And that we are going to look back on this era, some years from now, and be amazed that it took us so long to understand this.” - Whapio
Can we trust the portal of birth? Can we open our hearts to the unknown? This is a calling for women to trust their intuition. To journey into the cosmic realms and to access their inner knowing. My teacher Om told me once when I was pregnant... The only voice that you should listen is to the Divine voice within you, the rest is just noise...